Former brother are you serious in your quest?
The JW organisation does not care for its young ones at all. It cares not a fig for the terrible mental state of sexually abused young victims in its midst.
All it cares about is numbers. Numbers of Dollars in the bank, numbers of hours preached and numbers of dim-witted slavish followers. I know because I also am a former brother.
The children of JW parents are social outcasts, stifled in their self expression, suppressed in their understanding, stunted in their development to the point of losing their identity as individuals and can only cope with life within the prison boundaries of JW thinking. The governing body are reprehensible for this outrage not the poor and helpless victims; the rank and file JWs.
You don’t really want an alternative do you? Would you rather be kicked in the teeth by a Jehovah’s Witness boot more than any other deluded religion?
Let me just give you a clue: the Watchtower organisation has never got anything right that is worthwhile knowing in all of its 137 year history. It repeatedly changes its doctrines and regularly makes stupid false prophecies without ever learning from its mistakes... What does this tell you?